
Welcome to BioSim Consult

BioSim Consult provides consulting services within systems biology, drug discovery and Development, regulatory affairs and general health care.

The Company was founded Sept. 1'st 2011 by Morten Colding-Jørgensen, both Medical doctor and physicist, after more then 20 years at University of Copenhagen (Associate professor) and almost 20 years at the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk A/S (Scientific advisor), and 10 years as affiliated professor at The Technical University of Denmark.

The Company expertise includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:



1.Biosimulation: Quantitative biology, virtual experiments, virtual patients, disease life cycle

2. Exploratory data analysis: Mechanisms behind patterns in data, complex non-normal statistics, applied mathematics, generating hypotheses, graphical presentation.

3. Pharmacokinetics and -dynamics: Mechanisms behind ADME of medicines, Receptor kinetics, Transport phenomena, Albumin binding etc. Interaction between kinetics and dynamics

4. Antibodies: Immune responses, epitope optimization, Fab’s and other fragments, sweeping antibodies, biacore analysis, interplay between surface bound and free antibodies, cancer treatment.

5. Pathophysiology: Physiological mechanisms behind diseases, disease progression, treatment strategies

6. Control theory: Hormonal and neural control, metabolism control, predictability, nonlinear dynamics, and complexity theory.

7. Biomedical physics: Nuclear medicine, radiation physics, cell- and molecular biology, medical devices, drug administration

8. Regulatory affairs: Mechanisms behind effects and side effects, benefit-risk of medicines, patient adherence.

Kaos og ikke-elefanter

Pris: 80 kr. + levering

Køb ved at skriv til: pcl@biosimconsult.dk

Chaos and Non-elephants 1998 (In Danish).

The book is a guide to understand non-linear processes in daily life. It describes some of the most important elements of chaos research and explains how many everyday events can be explained and understood.

+45 5178 8999


Morten Colding-Jørgensen

CVR No. 33687311