BioSim Consult provides consulting services within systems biology, drug discovery and Development, regulatory affairs and general health care.
The Company was founded Sept. 1’st 2011 by Morten Colding-Jørgensen, both Medical doctor and physicist, after more then 20 years at University of Copenhagen (Associate professor) and almost 20 years at the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk A/S (Scientific advisor), and 10 years as affiliated professor at The Technical University of Denmark.
1. Biosimulation: Quantitative biology, virtual experiments, virtual patients, disease life cycle
2. Exploratory data analysis: Mechanisms behind patterns in data, complex non-normal statistics, applied mathematics, generating hypotheses, graphical presentation.
3. Pharmacokinetics and -dynamics: Mechanisms behind ADME of medicines, Receptor kinetics, Transport phenomena, Albumin binding etc. Interaction between kinetics and dynamics
4. Antibodies: Immune responses, epitope optimization, Fab’s and other fragments, sweeping antibodies, biacore analysis, interplay between surface bound and free antibodies, cancer treatment.
5. Pathophysiology: Physiological mechanisms behind diseases, disease progression, treatment strategies
6. Control theory: Hormonal and neural control, metabolism control, predictability, nonlinear dynamics, and complexity theory.
7. Biomedical physics: Nuclear medicine, radiation physics, cell- and molecular biology, medical devices, drug administration
8. Regulatory affairs: Mechanisms behind effects and side effects, benefit-risk of medicines, patient adherence.
About the owner
Affiliated Professor at The Technical University of Denmark, where he has supervised and censored 10-20 PhD’s and masters.
Member of the Advisory Board at Dept. of Physics 2005-2011. Member of the board of representatives 2005-2010.
Scientific Advisor at Novo Nordisk.
Member of the governing board of the EU-NOE BioSim 2004-2010- Later supervisor in WP5 of the IMI-protect.
Participating in the build-up and progress of the benefit-risk project BRAIN at Novo Nordisk.
Copenhagen University, Medical Faculty
Assistant/associate professor in physiology, biophysics and medical physics
1960: Student (mat.nat) Sorø Akademi
1970: Medical Doctor, Copenhagen University
1991: Master of Science (Phys/math), Copenhagen University
Qualified as expert (PhD-level or higher) in: Physiology, Pathophysiology, Biophysics, Medical Physics, Control Theory, Applied Mathematics, Neurobiology, Model Theory, and Nonlinear Dynamics (Chaos Theory).
“Kaos og ikke-elefanter”
Price: 80 kr. + delivery
To buy please send email to:
Chaos and Non-elephants 1998 (In Danish).
The book is a guide to understand non-linear processes in daily life. It describes some of the most important elements of chaos research and explains how many everyday events can be explained and understood.
Contact: Morten Colding-Jørgensen,
CVR No. 33687311