In the following is given some examples from the 8 different topics mentioned. Unfortunately, most of the work has been confidential, but the chosen examples should give an idea of the interdisciplinary nature of biosimulation.
1. Biosimulation
* Quantitative biology, virtual experiments, virtual patients, disease life cycle
2. Exploratory data analysis
* Mechanisms behind patterns in data, Complex non-normal statistics, Aplied mathematics,
Generating hypotheses, Graphical presentation
3. Pharmacokinetics and -dynamics
* Mechanisms behind ADME of medicines, Receptor kinetics, Transport phenomena, Albumin binding etc. Interaction between kinetics and dynamics
Albumin bound insulin: Insulin diffuses over the capillary wall and is carried away by the blood stream.
The capillary concentration, C(x)=Cfree(x)+Cbound(x), increases as the blood passes the injection site.
A small flow gives almost equilibrium at the veneous end, so flow determines the uptake.
A large flow keeps the concentration low, so diffusion over the capillary wall is limiting.
For albumin bound insulins more than 98% can bind to albumin, so albumin acts as a buffer that keeps the free plasma concentration Cfree(x) low, so the difference Cinj-Cfree(x) is kept large.
The result is a lower variation and a lower risk of hypoglycemic events.
4. Antibodies:
* Immune responses, epitope optimization, Fab’s and other fragments, sweeping antibodies, biacore analysis, interplay between surface bound and free
Covid 19: A model is constructed, where exponential virus multiplication is counteracted by an exponentially increasing, but delayed, immune response.
Due to the delay, the initial virus exposure (seed) is crucial. Small seeds (blue to green) are defeated rapidly and may be symptomless. Larger seeds (yellow to dark red) give increasing severity. Over a certain threshold, the infection may be lethal.
The figure shows how the disease is prolonged as the seed approaches the borderline between 0.018 and 0,019 units.
The black curve shows the borderline. After more than a month, a difference of 1 in 184 mill. determins the end result.
The subtle balance between virus and antibody elimination is shown in the lower figure. A as the seed approaches the critical limit, the response is more and more delayed.
At small seeds (blue to green), the antibodies win and forces an elimination of the virus, wherafter the amount of antibodies slowly declines.
At large seeds (yellow to dark red), the virus wins and forces a total elimination of the antibodies, whereafter the virus increases to high and dangerous levels.
At the borderline (black), they are on equal footing, and a small disturbance can determine the outcome.
5. Pathophysiology
* Physiological mechanisms behind diseases, disease progression, treatment strategies
6. Control theory
* Hormonal and neural control, metabolism control, predictability, nonlinear dynamics,
and complexity theory.
7. Biomedical physics
* Nuclear medicine, radiation physics, cell- and molecular biology, medical devices, drug administration
8. Regulatory affairs
• Mechanisms behind effects and side effects, benefit-risk of medicines, patient adherence
+45 5178 8999
Morten Colding-Jørgensen
CVR No. 33687311